November 2021 Thanksgiving Greetings

Thanksgiving Greetings

November 25, 2021

I want to take a quick minute to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I trust that you are all enjoying time with family and friends and counting all your blessings.  Please take a moment to smile and be Grateful for all our friends and neighbors along the Lake Shore! 

As of the last DSLA Board Meeting in October, Kathy Woods has passed on the gavel of the President to a guy by the name of Bill Lefley.  I want to thank Kathy for all her time and service to the DLSA organization over the past few years.  It was a less than ideal time to try to navigate all the social gatherings and meetings before, during and after the pandemic.  Kathy rose to the challenge and did one heck of a job!   Thank you, Kathy.

We also have elected 2 new board members, David Bernat and Mimi Harris and they will be joining the current Board as Follows:

Bill Lefley – President

Mike Flynn – Vice President

Michael O’Conner – Treasurer

Gail Zandstra – Secretary

Kathy Woods

Joe Milauckus

Herk Vandenbosch

Pat Lion

Steve McKown

Mike Finn

We are busy at work updating documents, membership lists, membership directory and our new web site.  Speaking of the Directory, due to pandemic delays in getting the 2021 book printed and up to date, an executive decision was made to postpone the printing of the directory until spring of 2022.  We will make any corrections needed and put the revised 2021 directory on the DLSA web site.

The New web site is up and running and updates are being made weekly so be sure to drop in and visit us at

Remember to visit us on Facebook also @ DLSA Douglas Lake Shore Association

Plan on attending the DLSA Holiday Party is coming up on December 10, 2021 at 5:30 sharp at the Home of Herk and Linda Vandenbosch.

Be Well and Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving.

Bill Lefley

Douglas Lake Shore Association
phone/text: 269-543-7525

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