January 10, 2024 - Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held at Bill Lefley barn

  1. Bill called the meeting to order.
  1. Present - Bill Lefley, Gail Zandstra, Michael O’Connor, Tammy Cunnion, David Bernat. Present on Zoom - Joe Milaukas, Mike Finn, Michael Flynn. Excused - Steve McKown, Mimi Harris, Anne Dooley.
  1. The order of business was changed to accommodate the zoom time.
  1. Old/New Business - Kathy Sarkasian has resigned her position on the board. The appointment of Bob Beauregard to fill the position on the Board of Directors was affirmed by email. He was elected by a majority vote - Bill Lefley, David Bernat, Gail Zandstra, Michael Flynn, Mike Finn, Michael O’Connor, Steve McKown, Anne Dooley, Tammy Cunnion. Abstained - Joe Milaukas
  1. Minutes - There was no quorum at the October 18, 2023, meeting. The minutes from May 24, 2023, could not be approved. They will be emailed for approval. A motion was made by Joe Milaukas to approve the minutes from the October 18, 2023, meeting. The motion was seconded by Michael Flynn.
  1. Treasurer’s Report - A balance of $5,231.00 at the end of the year. Annual meeting expense $2,309.00. D&O and liability expense $1,764.00. Website monthly expense $1,400.00. $7,700.00 was paid in dues. A refund from the bank of $280.00 was received for the credit card fee. It still is not correct and David will continue to look into it and see if he can get the fee down to 4%. David asked for a 2-step link on the web page when paying dues. He needs more information, along with the name. Bill Lefley made a motion to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Tammy Cunnion.
  1. Anne Dooley is not able to make Wednesday board meetings. The board is looking into changing the meeting time to a different day.
  2. Marketing - The directory will be updated quarterly to the website. The password is Beachsand. There have been no new advertisements on the website.
  1. Social - Michael O’Connor will send out invitations for DLSA parties in March. The months for the DLSA parties are from May to December.
  1. Membership - 154 paid. Members who paid in the last quarter of 2023 are good through 2024.
  1. Road, Beach, Water - Drain Commission came out to check the runoff and cleaned out roots. The Road Commission has not responded. Hopes would be for a catch basin to run water to the beach or tie into the existing catch basin. Michael Flynn agreed to join this committee with Steve McKwen and Joe Milaukis.
  1. New Business - By Laws were discussed to correct and clean them up, especially Article 9 as to what the executive committee can and cannot do without board approval. The Friendship membership was also discussed.
  2. The meeting was adjourned

Respectfully submitted - Gail Zandstra

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