Pull up a seat, grab a drink, we love meeting our local neighbors.
The Board of the Douglas Lake Shore Association would like to invite you to join our Association so that you can help us in making the lakeshore area a better place to be. For clarification, we consider the area of the lakeshore to be from within half a mile or so of Lake Michigan and stretching from a bit south of the Lakeshore washout to Oval beach. Your neighbors inside this area formed this Association way back in 1951 to address the concerns of the day and plan for the future of the area in a collective fashion.
Many of the concerns of that day have been solved partially through efforts of this association working with local government or groups. That said, as time passes new and not-so-new issues arise that should be addressed.
The Association, thru emails and other forms of communication, strives to keep you up to date on what is happening. It is also our hope that you will become involved either personally or through your comments and suggestions. Collectively, we can solve problems or issues together better than alone.
In short, we would value having you involved with our Association as we seek to make the lakeshore an even better place to live. Thank you for your interest in being a part of our community.