April 7, 2021
Michael O’Connor called the meeting to order via ZOOM.
Bob Batts, Mike Finn, Mike Flynn, Pat Lion, Steve McKown, Joe Milaukis, Michael O’Connor, Kathy Sarkisian, Herk VandenBosch, Gail Zandstra.
Arlene Philp, Bill Lefley.
The minutes of the December 16, 2020, meeting were approved.
Old business
Gail Zandstra was approved as secretary and welcomed to the board.
Some people reported not receiving membership directory books. Kathy will handle that, as well as books to new members. Dues should be received on or before May 12, 2021, as well as any new contact information.
Bob will send out the website update for the membership directory and the Douglas Lake Shore gmail account access to board members. Michael thanked him for all his work on that project.
The report and balance of 8,487.56 was approved.
Lake update
Joe said that lake levels are lower than last year and shared information about working with the Great Lakes Coalition to get more voice and help find solutions for our lake situation.
Douglas Beach
Pat reported that more repair has to be done on the steps. The bottom part of the steps will be aluminum and removable. There will be more seating areas. This should be done by Memorial Day weekend. A motion was passed for up to an additional $500.00 to be given, and with the already appropriated $500.00 from 2016, used to buy and designate a bench in memory of Sheldon Wettack.
June 3, 2021, 5:30 pm at the Rosemont Inn. The annual meeting is set for August 6, 2021, at Bill Lefley, pending availability with him.
New Business
Future Board Meetings
June 23, 2021, Wednesday, 5:30 pm EST
September 22, 2021, Wednesday, 5:30 pm EST
December 8, 2021, Wednesday, 5:30 pm EST
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted - Gail Zandstra